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CedarWing's first single release coming out!!
Ready or not, here it comes!!! When Hope evacuated the 2018 lava flow in Hawaii, she relocated to Asheville, NC at the foothills of the...

Performance at Walking in Beauty
Hope is honored to be performing and sharing her music as part ofr the Walking in Beauty Festival- online benefit for the Dine tribe in...

Performing at G-FEST 2020 online
Hope will be performing at 5PST at the GoddessFest online~ June 13th. It is a Womens only 2 day vigil of honoring sisterhood and sharing...

Black Lives Matter
After the killing of George Floyd ripped across our nation, there is a renewed need to show up and recognize how much #BlackLivesMatter...

New Moon Sister Circle -online
Hope has been facilitating Womens circles for 20 years, and Jill Walton, a trusted elder ceremonialist, has been creating Sacred Circles...

Interview on Podcast- Wisdom Talks with Indigo
Tune in to check out this lively and fresh dialogue between Hope and old friend and respected colleague, Indigo! It is a Hope and...

Hope's new Patreon Community
Be among the first to join Hope's new Patreon community and be a part of fueling the fire of support for her many upcoming projects and...

Healthy Birth Hawai'i
Hope founded Healthy Birth Hawaii - in response to a need within the community of Big Island and the lack of birthworkers on Hawaiian...

Moon Maidens Circle
Hope began a small weekly girls circle called Moon Maidens for ages 5-7 yr olds. This group is focused on connection with the earth,...

Hope & Prema Love ~ Women's circle & musical offering for Lakshmi
An intimate evening with Prema Love & Lakshmi offering with musical meditation! A beautiful event of women gathering and combining our...

Women's Circle at Pyro
Hope was invited to co-facilitate the potent women's circle at Pyro. This was a great opportunity to share knowledge, self love, and...

Join the Sacred Fire Holistic Birth course ONLINE!6/19/2022 Join us for this incredible opportune
Hope brought her full line up of 6 musicians to perform at Pyro Music Festival in Legend Valley, Ohio. Backed by Elele Tiana on vocals...

Join the Sacred Fire Holistic Birth course ONLINE!
Join us for this incredible opportunity- Hope is facilitating this 7 moon journey ONLINE Live virtual & in person, exploring women's...

Project Earth - 7/22/12
Project Earth music festival- an event put on by the WookieFoot crew in the midwest, and their Be the Change Foundation.
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